Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Shohel, M.M.C., Ashrafuzzaman, M., Mahmud, A., Azim, F. and Khan, M.S.H. (2023), Education in Emergencies and the Changing Landscape of Higher Education in Bangladesh: Cultural Transformation for Policy and Practice. In E. Sengupta (Ed.), Higher Education in Emergencies: International Case Studies (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 52), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 31-50.
Shohel, M. M., Babu, R., Ashrafuzzaman, M., & Azim, F. (2023). Redesigning Curriculum and Using Technologies During Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Bangladesh. In S. Silva, P. Peres, & C. Silva (Eds.), Developing Curriculum for Emergency Remote Learning Environments (pp. 196-215). IGI Global.
Shohel, M. M. C., Ashrafuzzaman, M., Azim, F., Naomee, I., Rahman, M. S., & Siddik, M. A. B. (2022). Blended learning space for primary and secondary education: Challenges and opportunities in resource-constrained contexts. In T. Driscoll (Ed.), Designing effective distant and blended learning environments in K-12 (pp. 187-222). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Shohel, M. M., Ashrafuzzaman, M., Naomee, I., Tanni, S. A., & Azim, F. (2022). Game-Based Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Challenges and Prospects. In C. Lane (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning (pp. 78-106). IGI Global.
Shohel, M. M., Ashrafuzzaman, M., Azim, F., Akter, T., & Tanny, S. F. (2022). Displacement and Trauma: Exploring the Lost Childhood of Rohingya Children in the Refugee Camps in Bangladesh. In R. Throne (Ed.), Social Justice Research Methods for Doctoral Research (pp. 244-272). IGI Global.
Azim, F. (2018). An analysis of the secondary school certificate examination: The case of creative questions. In Chowdhury, Sarkar, Mojumder, & Roshid (Eds.), Engaging in Educational Praxis: Connecting Policy and Practice in Bangladesh. Sydney: Springer.
Siddique, M. & Azim, F. (2016). Teachers’ perceptions about monitoring in English in Action (EIA) primary schools. In G. Pickering & P. Gunashekar (Eds.), Ensuring Quality in English Language Teacher Education. New Delhi: British Council. (ISBN 978-0-86355-841-2)
Azim, F., & Rahman, M. M. S. (2015). Mobile embedded self study materials for CPD: The use of English Language for Teachers (EL4T) in Bangladesh. In G. Pickering & P. Gunashekar (Eds.), Innovation in English Language Teacher Education. New Delhi: British Council. (ISBN 978-0-86355-765-1)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Shohel, M. M. C., Babu, R., Ashrafuzzaman, M., Azim, F., & Bayezid, A. (2023). Learning Competency Framework and Approach for the Displaced Rohingya Children Living in Bangladesh: A Critical Review. Continuity in Education, 4(1), pp. 50–66. DOI: [Click here to download]
Rahman, M., & Azim, F. (2015). Bangladeshi migrant parents involvement in their children’s schooling: Identifying the barriers. International Journal of Education & Applied Sciences, 2 (2), 36 – 47.
Azim, F. (2014). Learning promoted by classroom assessment in higher education of Bangladesh: A case study. International Journal of Social Sciences, 26 (1), 165 -171.
Azim, F. & Hasan, T. (2014). Exploring the challenges of achieving equity through inclusion in the Bangladesh education context. International Journal of English and Education, 3 (4), 429 - 441.
Burton, S., & Azim, F. (2014). Challenges faced in conducting evaluation and research: Experience of English in Action in Bangladesh. Teacher’s World, 39 (1), 35 - 41.
Rahman, M., & Azim, F. (2014). Use of education as a tool of development in different political regimes in Bangladesh. BPDM Journal of Research, 1 (2), 128 – 134.
Dey, A. R., Banu, S. & Azim, F. (2012). Perception about Bachelor of Social Science Curricula of the public and private universities in Bangladesh. NAEM Journal, 7 (14), 36 – 42.
Jahan, I., Azim, F., & Ahmed, S. S. (2011). Biology teaching-learning practices in secondary schools of Bangladesh. NAEM Journal , 6 (12), 108-117.
Azim, F., & Ahmed, S. S. (2010). Exploring Mathematics teachers' beliefs in secondary schools of Bangladesh. Teacher's World , 35-36, 41-53.
Khan, N. J., Azim, F., & Ahmed, S. S. (2009). The practice of class and practical work within SBA in secondary school classroom. NAEM Journal, 5 (9), 15-24.
Conference Presentations
Azim, F., Beswick, B., Luo, R., & Nguyen, C. (2024, August). Development and Validation of an Assessment of Teamwork & Cooperation for the Philippines Alternative Learning System (ALS). Paper presented at the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS), KL, Malaysia.
Azim, F., Beswick, B., Luo, R., Ferido, M, & Bagui, L. (2024, April). Exploring the Feasibility of Micro-Certification for Out-of-School Youth in the Philippines . Paper presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) 2024 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Azim, F (2018, December). Assessment of mathematical problem solving: Addition and subtraction in arithmetic word problem solving. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Sydney.
Naomee, I. & Azim, F. (2017, January). Exploring the inclusion of underprivileged students in ICT based learning. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Inclusive Education, Asian Centre for Inclusive Education, Dhaka.
Rashed, M.S.U., Azim, F. & Rahman, M.S. (2015, February). Exploring Reflection of Teachers' confidence in their classroom. Paper presented at the NELTA 20th International Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Mathew, R., Azim, F. & Rahman M. M. S. (2015, January). CPD in India and Bangladesh: How far have we come and where do we go from here?. Plenary presentation at the 7th BELTA International Conference, Dhaka.
Rashed, M.S.U. & Azim, F. (2014, December). Using Statistics for Research, Monitoring and Evaluation: Learnings from an Education Project in Bangladesh. Paper presented at International Conference on Applied Statistics, Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Dhaka.
Rahman, M.M.S., Azim, F. & Siddique, M.A. (2014, November). Teachers’ perception and practice of teaching writing in the secondary schools of Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Inspire DEWS International Conference 2014: Inspire to Write, Dhaka, organized by the British Council, University of Dhaka & Manchester University.
Rashed, M.S.U. & Azim, F. (2014, August). Exploring teachers’ pedagogical practices in English in Action primary classrooms. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on “The 21st Century Classroom: Directions, Issues and Changes”, University of Liberal Arts, Dhaka.
Siddique, M. & Azim, F. (2014, August). Teachers’ perception and classroom practices in action. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on “The 21st Century Classroom: Directions, Issues and Changes”, University of Liberal Arts, Dhaka.
Burton, S. & Azim, F. (2014, March). Challenges faced in conducting evaluation and research: Experiences of English in Action in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the National ELT Conference, University of Dhaka, Dhaka.
Azim, F. & Rahman, M.M. (2014, February). Mobile embedded self-study materials for CPD: The use of English Language for Teachers (EL4T) in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Teacher Education Conference 2014, British Council & EFL University, Hyderabad.
Shaheen, R., Azim, F., & Kabir, S. T. (2013, September). Interaction between school and media based interventions to influence English language learning: A case of Bangladesh. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2013, Sussex.
Azim, F. (2013, July). Higher education in Bangladesh: What sort of learning does classroom assessment promote?. Paper presented at the Second National Research Conference on Four Decades of Bangladesh: Potentialities and Challenges. Bangladesh Peace and Development Mission, Dhaka.
Rahman, M., & Azim, F. (2013, July). Education under different political regimes. Second National Research Conference on Four Decades of Bangladesh: Potentialities and Challenges. Bangladesh Peace and Development Mission, Dhaka.
Hasan, T., & Azim, F. (2013, February). Equity through inclusion: A challenging journey in the education context of Bangladesh. Paper presented at the International Conference on Inclusive Education, Asian Centre for Inclusive Education, Dhaka.
Rahman, M. S., & Azim, F. (2013, February). Bangladeshi migrant parents involvement in their children’s schooling: Identifying the barriers. Paper presented at the International Conference on Inclusive Education, Asian Centre for Inclusive Education, Dhaka.
Azim, F. (2012, August). Reforming education by reforming assessment: Theory and practice of School Based Assessment (SBA) in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Nineteenth International Conference on Learning, London.
Invited Talk
Shrestha, P. N. & Azim, F. (2014, March). International trends in English language assessment: Implications for Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Assessment Policy Seminar, Directorate of Primary Education (DPE), Dhaka.
Technical Reports
Milligan, S., Beswick, B., Azim, F., Ferido, M., Bagui, L., Luo, R., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Feasibility study on micro-certification for the Alternative Learning System (ALS) in the Philippines. Assessment Research Centre (ARC), University of Melbourne and Assessment, Curriculum and Technology Research Center (ACTRC), University of the Philippines, Department of Education, Philippines and UNICEF Philippines
Beswick, B., Luo, R., & Azim, F. (2019). Academic integrity in CA X: Prepared for Chartered Accounts Australia and New Zealand. University of Melbourne: Unpublished and Confidential
Care, E., Azim, F., Beswick, B., Harding, S., & Luo, R. (2015). Large-scale assessments for use in the Philippines. Retrieved from University of Melbourne Commercial:
Peer-review experience
(Listed under Other Academic Services)